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  • Writer's pictureBrendan JSV Ecker

U.S Winning War on Freedom, Fireworks, Masks, Cyber Breaches, Surveillance, Civil Unrest, & COVID-19

Updated: Aug 30, 2020

It’s July 18th, 2020. It’s been two weeks since the Fourth of July, where Trump visited Mount Rushmore giving another historic speech to unify the American people. The city of Los Angeles was bright from fireworks to defy Governor Gavin Newsom’s unlawful and unconstitutional orders prohibiting Church gatherings, where he was cancelling firework events across the entire state. Today the weather is clear, not a cloud in the sky, it’s 85 degrees and humid in South Eastern Michigan, United States of America. Today the birds are chirping, people are painting their houses, buying houses, going to beaches, lighting fireworks, hitting the hottest parties, and living their lives trying to make it by. Country music, Bud Light, Jack Daniels, relationship drama in the social circles, and gossip fills the air in small-town Middle Class America. This year’s Independence Day was full of Patriotism, and mainly a universal awakening. At first I was worried this could be the last ever Independence Day to America after weeks of the public believing the media’s lies, but then I saw the city of Los Angeles, the most obedient and easily controlled population in America, defy governor Gavin Newsom’s orders and light the city up with fireworks. When L.A finally gets sick of cancel culture, that is when you know the world is awakening.

To put the cherry on top of Cancel Culture trying to cancel the American tradition of fireworks and celebrating our extraordinary country, Governor Whitmer sent out an Emergency Alert System notification on Monday, July 13th, to every smartphone in Michigan. All to let her constituents know how horrific the man-made Wuhan Coronavirus "plandemic" really was, despite doctors of 40 years insisting it was a moneyball. The E.A.S notification that was sent out at 4:45 p.m, declared that she was going to enforce the mask-wearing mandates, threatening Michiganders with fines and jail time if they refused to comply and wear the masks (now rendered useless). These mandates and emergency alert systems are requiring people to wear masks, even though the masks don’t protect people from the virus. The masks are a social engineering experiment. A trial of psychological war games on the public, and keeping skeletons in the closet. The masks are really the Trojan Horse for agendas in bringing Communism to the United States. This is all a bigger game in securing power and profit in the race to A.I, synthetic biology, quantum supremacy, global surveillance, and the U.N funded mandatory vaccines soon to be rolled out. This is what gets talked about in National Security think tanks, Harvard classrooms, secret societies, research laboratories, and special access disclosure projects like the Majestic 12 or Manhattan groups. Things are becoming much more revealing, during these fascinating times of war, trial, and breakthroughs in discovery. It was to my expectations that the Sheriff’s office I was interning at, one being of former military and mostly blue collar deputies, were going to refuse the unconstitutional order. As I predicted, the county sheriff immediately sent out a letter to the county refusing to enforce Governor Whitmer’s mask-wearing mandates. Like a majority of police departments in Michigan at this point, my department saw the media hysteria for what it was in terms of honest and trustworthy coverage on the Wuhan Coronavirus, which was being lied about to extravagant levels. Most police departments rejected the mandates with a well-yielded fist of iron, while the State Police and some other departments obeyed Governor Whitmer's authoritarian orders. Channel 4 local news, reported Whitmer saying in quote, “It is a requirement that businesses deny serving people if they don’t show up with that mask”, continuing “any time someone’s trespassing, law enforcement could be involved”. The state of Michigan, often called the Texas of the North, denied these requirements. People began to sign petitions against such incompetent leadership, when likely a third of the population were still ignorant to the facts. Gretchen Whitmer was respected by so many young liberals, but yet she did nothing to benefit the lives of liberals, or even her own life. Governor Whitmer should not be in charge of Michigan until 2022, because if she remains in power, these events will only be the beginning of countless displays of abusing her powers, and disregarding the well-being of Michigan's hard working constituents who elected her into that power.

Meanwhile, conservatives of all skin colors in every country, are still being targeted by the mainstream media and leftist Universities all while a civil war, and a trade war with China continues on. In a funny way, these things are rarely discussed in college classrooms, and politics becomes rejected, due to controversy and feelings getting hurt. It's funny, because it's so damn true, and still debated. Drink one for the truth. I'll be one of many to say, those wars will never end until Trump is out of office, or until the radical left gets everything they are demanding, which is socialism and the collapse of America for power and profit. People need to learn to call it as it is. Removing Trump, however, has been the main priority since 2016 for the corrupt democrats. After all, it is an election year, and one that will decide not only the next four years - but quite possibly the next American century. I don’t say these controversial things to be divisive, either. I say these things because it's the most validated, factual truth, and we should have real discussions about the truth, and why it matters if we want to live in a Free Republic where we can exchange original ideas - more specifically, ideas that actually make sense in reaching our largest human potentials. Ideas can come from reading, and television is a form of reading in 2020. The media, and the intelligence agencies all know this.

Hollywood owns a large chunk of the media, and Hollywood is owned by China and American billionaires mainly. Many are also from the United Kingdom. This explains the corruption in the media, and the hidden truth of even your favorite celebrities who live in the largest mansions with the widest bank accounts. One might say they just worked hard. But there's always contracts, and there's always somebody who owns you in Hollywood. As much as I love Hollywood, as much as I watched movies as a form of reading nearly my entire life, and as much as I respect the art of production and making great films that can change the world - "Hollywood is bleeding, and we call it home." Shout out to Post Malone. That statement actually bleeds truth, as Hollywood is filled with vipers and fallen angels, and these vipers, are capable of working against the interests of the United States very easily for the price of money and vanity. Those same people in power are those control hungry journalists, lawyers, lobbyists, politicians, producers, executives, and entrepreneurs. Power is a test of control over your mind at the end of the day, and with great knowledge, comes great power. With great power, comes great responsibility. Self-control is a superpower because self-control is easily lost when you reach the world within a world known as fame and financial freedom. It's no more difficult to lose than our self-awareness, and knowing when we are wrong. Hollywood films that help explain the complex psychology of power, fame, fortune, and temptation are demonstrated well in films like The Firm, or The Devil's Advocate.

Evidence to support the “conspiracy theories” of George Soros funding the Black Lives Matter movement, are only becoming more widespread across the chain of media and even YouTube, while Hollywood celebrities and the Democrats involved with the lies, are still turning against each other like crazed, ravaging hyenas. Recently, Project Veritas captured troubling videos of leaders of ANTIFA, and the Black Lives Matter group, admitting they “were trained Marxists” and threatening to “burn down the system” if they didn’t get their demands met. This was right around the time statues were being torn down, when President Trump labeled ANTIFA a domestic terrorist organization, and for good reason as they were indeed domestic terrorists. The Black Lives Matter movement is a Marxist movement and should continue to be investigated, as well as ANTIFA. These are dangerous organizations funded by George Soros.

Aside from the Black Lives Matter violence, and Mayor Bill De Blasio of New York City defunding the N.Y.P.D by 1 billion dollars, Roger Stone was given clemency after facing a stacked jury, and an unconstitutional court trial for exercising his First Amendment to Freedom of Speech and Press. Roger Stone was defending Trump back in 2016 and releasing information on Hillary Clinton’s 40,000 deleted emails containing espionage and child sex trafficking coded emails, among several other crimes which incriminated her presidential candidacy. She was instantly caught committing crimes of Treason and Perjury, and the world was suddenly buying t-shirts that read “Hillary for Prison” while Trump was being scorned for his close relationship with Roger Stone throughout his life. It didn’t matter that Roger Stone worked for Presidents like Lyndon B. Johnson and President Richard Nixon. This was later identified as the “Pizzagate” scandal. Roger Stone allegedly “leaked” the information on the widely discredited radio podcast, The Alex Jones Show. Soon after Roger Stone released information to the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Roger Stone was S.W.A.T teamed, and arrested at 3 a.m. in the morning at his home. In an interview with FOX’s Sean Hannity and Valuetainment’s CEO, Patrick Bet David, Roger Stone explained his battle with the Obama Administration’s involvement in his case, Hillary Clinton's intervention, and the reasons he was so silenced to begin with. These interviews were just conducted in the past few months.

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s confidant, was caught in her multimillion dollar estate during an F.B.I raid on July 5th after months of rumors saying she was being held in Israel, and arguably other countries. She was arrested at 4:20 a.m. in Bradford, New Hampshire in her pajamas. Maxwell claimed she had dirt on several people and agreed to cooperate with the feds. She was later transferred to New York prison in New York City, where Epstein was also held. She was serving a harsh sentence and being watched like a hawk. People across the planet were spreading the phrase, “Maxwell Didn't Kill Herself”, due to Jeffrey Epstein being murdered suspiciously after being caught running child sex trafficking rings beneath so many other powerful world leaders and billionaires. Epstein was said to have committed suicide by the mainstream media when that was a lie, even according to the forensic pathologists and medical examiners who conducted the autopsies.

Ghislaine Maxwell was the beginning of a long line of dominoes to later fall because of their criminal acts in child human sex trafficking and pedophilia, which was kept a secret for so long. Victims who flew on the Lolita Express were often 14 years old and even younger, and were often the same victims who never returned from Little Saint James Island and Jeffery Epstein’s Zorro Ranch in New Mexico. The media made Ghislaine Maxwell out to be the mastermind of the disgraced trafficking operations, when she was only the tip of the iceberg and played a small role. The celebrities and world leaders like Prince Charles, Prince Andrews, Tom Hanks, Alan Dershowitz, Oprah Winfrey, Pope Francis, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and so many more, were the first of those many dominoes soon to fall politically, through indictments and prison time. Only time can tell when the mainstream media will begin to report those imminent details of world leaders and wealthy celebrities, who appeared several times on the Epstein flight logs. The list of wealthy world leaders and billionaires who went to and from Little Saint James Island and Zorro Ranch. Although Trump did show up on one flight log coming back to the states from a party in Mar-a-Lago, where he was documented to be with Jeffrey Epstein, there was never any discovered evidence that incriminated Trump for participating in the sex trafficking rings as the other names written down on the logs. If there had been details on Trump, I can only assume it would have been brought up in the impeachment trials. If that had been true, Trump would have made a statement similar to Bill Clinton's before his impeachment, where he admitted guilty and pleaded remorseful to the crimes. Ghislaine Maxwell played only a small role in a much larger operation, and U.S attorneys were on the hunt for those involved, while other lawyers fought like Hell for their involvements to be kept sealed.

The European Union extended travel bans on the United States two days ago, due to alleged spikes in COVID-19 cases. It’s safe to say most educated scholars know those numbers are a complete and total lie, or at a minimum, greatly exaggerated. The Collegiate American sees that the numbers are being doctored and falsely reported. COVID-19 cases are being ramped up. In fact, for every case, fifteen cases are being added to the COVID-19 numbers, despite the declining statistics of people dying according to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx's own statements in previous press briefings. Good luck finding that, given the amount of censorship and deleted videos on YouTube. Regardless, this is not news anymore, because this has already been exposed. It’s simply being covered up. Elon Musk and Dr. Levitt testified against the validity of Dr. Fauci’s leadership, and Dr. Levitt was a top biology professor who had credible knowledge and research on the virus, as well as an understanding of the science behind it. Both of them were speaking out against the false positives and inflated case numbers.

So why all of the lies? The lies are happening because doctors are indeed getting richer just like they did in 1984, and many governors and wealthy billionaires are invested in the vaccine and A.I markets. Dr. Fauci recently admitted himself, that they are not using scientific models used in the past. They are creating new ones that fit their agendas of investing in a major Big Pharma profit volcanoes, that are just waiting to erupt after the vaccine and 5G companies hit the IPO status. The videos can barely be found on the internet as one could expect. Only the doctors and clinicians get the cake, and they know what’s happening. Dr. Mikovits recently blew the whistle on Dr. Fauci, Dr. Redfield, and the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy Infectious Disease), on how they did the same things back in 1984 when the HIV/AIDS virus was being patented by Fauci, just as the COVID-16 and COVID-19 viruses are largely owned by Dr. Fauci today. Former virologist, Dr. Mikovits, discussed vividly about her own experiences, and what is now happening in 2020 in relations to the Coronavirus and Dr. Fauci.

There are good doctors being silenced currently, and the doctors who are wrong, are getting the fame and glory of media coverage to further institute draconian tactics of controlling and surveilling the population by force. According to so many Americans, doctors are currently making anywhere from $15,000-$52,000 for every time they write down that a FLU patient is “COVID-19”. These are not claims made by The Collegiate American, but rather those being sidelined by Trump, those like Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx for their draconian attempts to collapse the global economy and the American way of life. It is directly inside of the Bill, “H.R 6666”, which allows federal grants to any establishment or business who complies with the requirements of mask-wearing mandates and regulations. If you fail to comply with federal guidelines, you get no federal grants and your business goes into jeopardy - then later out of business.

Bill Gates and ‘The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ are working with China to destroy the U.S so they can depopulate the planet by doing it in plain sight, directly covering soft kill operations with terms like "population control" and "vaccine solutions". That is a fact that there is an attempt to kill millions of people by vaccines through what can be identified as soft kill warfare. Soft kill warfare is the stated goal to reduce population worldwide. In reading the book "Ecoscience", one can learn about how the elites target reproduction and fertility, including the outrageous measures identified in the 1969 Planned Parenthood World Population memo, written by Frederick S. Jaffe. The Collegiate American sees this as not only a reliable accounting, but also a true summary of current events and things to look out for in the coming decades. This is not a conspiracy theory nor prediction, but an evaluation. This is reality, and people must step up to start exposing the truth if we want to continue living in a Free nation that breeds Liberty and Independence. Bill Gates does not get to say how humanity lives, and vaccine dangers have been greatly discredited as conspiracy theories for years until now. Today, the truth is more alive than ever before.

Cyber security breaches happened to top it all off, targeting Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Kanye West, and other famous icons. This was right after Kanye dropped out of the presidential race, almost as soon as he said he was deciding to run. Could it have been the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who was responsible for the hacks? The F.B.I? CIA? NSA? Anonymous? Other foreign cyber criminals? Or was it a freak accident conspiracy theory? America was under attack of false information and agitation propaganda, and it was failing. The Marxist Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA protestors were being exposed for their crimes of tearing statues down and trying to erase history. Their attacks on historical statues was not a cry for human rights, but instead a cry for socialism and Bolshevism. This was the beginning of a civil war the right-wing across the planet didn’t want to have, but it came down to life or death as innocent blacks and whites were being murdered and beaten alive. In these occurrences, self defense became a form of fighting in this conjured civil war. The media failed to report these facts however, and that is why The Collegiate American will speak the truth along with many more Americans to speak later.

As of right now, I’m finishing up my second internship, and I had a minute to write after a week of building an Instagram page for The Collegiate American and speaking with prosecutors and judges, seeing what I could do in terms of spreading real, independent research across the web of media and in the minds of the public. This was a page built to express independent ideas. I built the Instagram page and this website to spread opinions that were being censored and usually never talked about in college classrooms. I’ve always been intrigued by the media, and I wanted to be a part of the fight in bringing back Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. I believe the federalist papers should be recited by any president in times of challenge and rigor. Steadily, I’m in the process of getting a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, and I work closely with journalists, entrepreneurs, and government officials who have the inside scoop on what’s going on in the world geopolitically and locally. Although I do value a college degree and what it stands for, I’ve always felt talent, creativity, self-awareness, and passion to be far more favorable qualities than showing off a certificate of obedience and loyalty, which is by definition a college degree. Of course, to police officers, nurses, lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, or scientists, this logic does not apply the same. It’s no secret that some careers require such prerequisites and college experience, but you don’t need a degree to be Successful in life. That is a false claim. If that were true, entrepreneurs would never be able to run private enterprises and buy houses in Beverly Hills, California or Southampton, New York. Your knowledge, creativity, work ethic, and talent will decide your position in the world. A degree is necessary to certain levels, as it can help you climb to the next levels, and no one can take it away from you, but a degree does not prove intelligence or Success by even the slightest degree, as proven by the 1% themselves in their own displays of making money and building multi-billion dollar empires.

The souls who rule the world are those who build, learn, listen, lead, and innovate until they reach some level of satisfaction - all to only one day die, and leave it all behind. But truly, the elements of truth and valuing history, as well as paying attention to what’s going on politically and locally, can change the world for the next generation. Every day I’m surrounded by cops, lieutenants, lawyers, small-business owners, real estate agents, and detectives. They all see the same that I see, and they all believe there is more to happen soon. Be reminded that since my last blog, a lot has happened in America. The United States is in a fight for its life. However, the respect for police has never been larger since the media along with Democrat lawyers, and Congress members pushed to defund the police. The silent majority and educated, fair minded people, are now striving to defend the police. It’s safe to say, the American Spirit is back. America has Launched. The American Dream is still vulnerable, however. Without the police, law and order cannot be enforced, and without law and order, there is only anarchy and chaos with death and delusion at work. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. That is why the colleges and Universities need to end the narrative that America is systemically racist, because it is completely and utterly untrue. America is the nation who took the steps in defeating racism, making moves to abolish segregation. Period. The concept of White Privilege is racist in itself, and it suggests that people are handed a silver platter solely based on the color of their skin, and this directly defies what Martin Luther King Jr. stood for in building a nation where blacks and whites could thrive together, coexist, and prosper together side-by-side. A place where no man would be judged by the color of their skin. We are all grey. Color is an illusion. We should take solace in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his “I Have a Dream” speech, where he preached about the true light of American Freedom, as One Nation United Under God. Until next time, God Bless you, God Bless Freedom, and let Freedom ring loudly and proudly. Let God bring discernment and leadership upon your life. We are restoring Freedom. We are restoring bravery. We are restoring the Republic.


Citations & References

Bekiempis, V. (2020). Ghislaine Maxwell appears in court charged with aiding Epstein's sex crimes. the Guardian. Retrieved 18 July 2020, from

Brown, L. (2020). Ghislaine Maxwell arrest: Armed agents, spy planes used to take down Epstein gal pal. New York Post. Retrieved 18 July 2020, from

Chasmar, J. (2020). Michigan Gov. Whitmer slammed for using cellphone emergency alert system to announce mask order. The Washington Times. Retrieved 18 July 2020, from

Christie-Lee McNally, opinion contributor. (2018, July 14). Big tech's censorship of conservative users is alive and well. TheHill.

Geller, P. (2020). Deep State Doctor Fauci: Here's A List Of Mistakes and Lies - Geller Report News. Geller Report News. Retrieved 18 July 2020, from

H.R. 6666 Bill Contact Tracing To Allow W.H.O Into Your Home - Good Samaritan Oil. Good Samaritan Oil. (2020). Retrieved 18 July 2020, from

Phillips, J. (2020). Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred to NY Prison After Arrest: Prison Bureau. Retrieved 18 July 2020, from

Phillips, M. (2020). Michigan Gov. Whitmer angers GOP lawmakers after using statewide emergency alert system for message on masks. MSN. Retrieved 18 July 2020, from


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