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  • Writer's pictureBrendan JSV Ecker

March Madness, Border Crisis, Vaccine Passports, Gun Control, Daring Desantis, George Floyd Trial

March 2021 consisted of a plethora of significant world incidences. The month of March was the beginning of the Democratic Party’s attempt to stronghold the Second Amendment in the United States. Joe Biden’s “common sense gun control” laws were passed in the U.S House and were immediately sent to the Senate. The Southern Rio Grande Border in Texas was overflowing with migrants from Mexico and South America. This is what turned out to be a crisis where children and their parents were being held in unsatisfactory living conditions (the cages), which were originally built by the Obama Administration. The story was originally broken by Project Veritas.

In March Governor Andrew Cuomo was under the microscope for Sexual Harassment allegations as Gretchen Whitmer was being investigated for sending Covid patients into Nursing Homes. Cuomo was guilty of the same. Governor Abbott of Texas on the other hand had released a statement rescinding all mask mandates and opening small business 100%. The Governor of Wyoming, South Dakota, and Florida also followed. Governor Desantis of Florida wrote an Executive Order giving residents of Florida the freedom to receive the Covid-19 vaccine or decline. He gave Florida a choice, making clear that mandates would not be happening. News came out that Donald Trump and Governor Desantis would potentially be making an “America First” 2.0 run for presidency in 2024. The general public was in favor of the idea, however, election integrity was still in demand. Election laws were changing in Georgia after several court decisions had proven election fraud in November of 2020. Trump was making many statements declaring a potential run for President in 2024.

News came out that Donald Trump and Governor Desantis would potentially be making an “America First” 2.0 run for presidency in 2024. The general public was in favor of the idea, however, election integrity was still in demand. Election laws were changing in Georgia after several court decisions had proven election fraud in November of 2020. Trump was making many statements declaring a potential run for President in 2024.

George Floyd’s autopsy and toxicology reports were released which revealed several traces of amphetamines, fentanyl, and narcotics. Officer Chauvin was on trial, which was being televised nationwide across the country. The Antifa and Black Lives Matter organizations were Preparing to act based on the verdict of the trial, as both the defense and prosecuting sides were gaining ground on perception and evidence. It was clear in late March that the verdict to this trial would lead to months of civil unrest and more push back against law-enforcement.

After an entire year of the CDC, NIAID, NIH, and WHO denying that Covid-19 had originated out of the Wuhan Research Laboratory, Dr. Redfield finally admitted that the Coronavirus likely escaped from a Chinese laboratory, which later was known to have been the Wuhan Research Laboratory. The China Virus was finally confirmed to have originated from China by one of the most acknowledged bureaucrats in the Pharmaceutical industry. Bill Gates continues to dominate the Big Pharmaceutical Industry with nanotechnology and digital QR vaccinations soon to come into play. Colleges across America, small businesses, and vacation cruises are requiring persons to obtain vaccinations, despite the utter violation of civil liberties upon individuals and the intrusive nature of mandated injection.

Vaccine passports and mandates have begun to spread across businesses across America, placing millions of people in the position of medical malpractice and unconstitutional requirements. Not only are people getting sick and experiencing severe symptoms from the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca, and Moderna, but a large number of those victims are dying and becoming susceptible to more severe conditions such as Bell’s Palsy or even Cancer. The invisible enemy of Covid has surely become less deadly and fatal than the cure itself. Time can only tell when humanity will choose to wake up and refuse what could very well be the Mark of The Beast itself. Until next time... see you in April.


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