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  • Writer's pictureBrendan JSV Ecker

The Great Reset versus The Great Awakening: The Military Sting Operation to Drain the Swamp

November was going to be a Trump landslide, and it was just that on the night of the election. Trump was winning in massive amounts in Michigan, California, Florida, Virginia, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump was winning in every state. In each state, Trump was leading by at least a 5-10% margin for consecutive hours. At 1:00 a.m. to 6 a.m. however, suddenly CNN and every mainstream media platform was reporting that Joe Biden was somehow winning in every battleground state despite his rallies gathering less than 20 people in some cases while Trump’s rallies were getting 50,000 in many cases. The election was suddenly frozen on the night of the election, and votes were not counted for 3 hours right before Trump was to be declared the winner of those essential battleground states. There were metrics showing that tens of thousands of votes were switched from Trump to Biden on the night of the election, and over 100,000 votes dumped into Biden’s name somehow, some way, in Wisconsin and Michigan. Some records displayed that over 900,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden. There were more voters who voted in Wayne County Michigan, than the actual population of Wayne County itself. There were records of dead people voting. It was clear that the election was being stolen within hours, and it was clear that this was going to be a major fight up until January’s Inauguration Day. This was by far the most obvious and dangerous election scandal in American history.

It became evident that this election was being stolen from the President America rightfully voted for when the media falsely claimed that Joe Biden was the President-elect across every station, even though there was evidence of Wayne County poll watchers boarding up windows and keeping ballot inspectors out of voting centers. It was evident that Trump was the rightful winner after it was discovered that Dominion Voting Systems, designed to help overthrow nations and known for taking part in rigged elections in Venezuela, was manipulated by China, Iran, Russia, and Germany along with several other members in the CIA, DNC, and FBI. It was also essential that General Flynn was given clemency, as General Flynn, commander of the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, ordered a group of special operations forces to seize the corrupted Dominion Voting System from Germany. The raid resulted in some members of American Special Operations units being killed. It was later revealed that what Sidney Powell later identified as the “Kraken”, was code for a military counterintelligence operation to track vote switching algorithms and metadata connected to the foreign software. Lieutenant General McInerney on WVW News, made a statement that the electors would have the responsibility of electing the President, and that Donald Trump would be reelected. McInerney gave orders to Powell to engage codeword “Scorecard” and “Hammer”, for future results of the successful military sting operation. He made clear that America would not be defeated by China or intimidated, and that enemies foreign and domestic would be prosecuted and defeated. The operation has been successful thus far throughout the month of November.

The entire month was a fiasco of Republican politicians being threatened, harassed, coerced, and bought off - all to help fraudulently certify a Joe Biden victory when that was simply not the case. Trump’s legal team, which was run by Rudy Giuliani, and separate independent counsel Sidney Powell, who was working alongside General Flynn, revealed heaps of evidence proving that machines were being rigged, votes being transferred from Trump to Biden, ballot watchers and whistleblowers being threatened, and even federal judges being bought off to take part in the fraudulent election given to the Chinese Communist Party’s puppet, Joe Biden. It was very easy to decipher which Congress members were fighting for the United States, and which political operatives were fighting for the Chinese Communist Party. It was easy to spot who the ultimate controllers of the Democratic Party were. They were those like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, John Podesta, members of the mainstream media across nearly every network, along with George Soros, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates. Attorney General Bill Barr, was another operative who proved to side with the Chinese Communist Party, and failed to fight for Trump, as he claimed there was no way to overturn the election results despite the many paths to victory. Trump had written a statement to Barr on December 1st declaring that Bill Barr would not be considered a useful or essential part in overturning the attempted stolen election. It was easy to learn that Bill Barr was a member of the Deep State when he refused to speak on Trump’s behalf or defend the President.

One of the cyber heads of Dominion had quoted, “I made sure he [Trump] won’t fucking win.” The left was calling this entire election scandal a blue wave after people would likely see a “Red Mirage”, before all mail-in ballots, both legal and illegal, were counted days after the election. Not to mention, that even dead people had applied to vote and somehow voted in Michigan as well as several other battleground states that Trump was originally winning in on November 3rd, reported in states like Nevada, Wisconsin, and Arizona. Trump won the election by almost 410 delegates after metrics revealed that without fraudulent mail-in ballots, he would have confirmed a Trump landslide, and the left tried everything to take it away. Little did the operators of yet another coup against President Trump know that every ballot was created by the DHS, inclusive of radioactive isotope watermarks which were able to track where each ballot was. The massive amounts of evidence was displayed in the Pennsylvania and Arizona State Legislature hearings. These hearings were the deciding factor as to whether or not electors could be selected based on the information and evidence provided, which were in massive numbers, as hundreds of signed affidavits and expert witnesses testified in hearings that had taken all day.

An investigation into SEC filings revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election. The investigation centered on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018. Dominion Voting Systems operated voting machines in 28 states and has been accused by President Trump and his supporters of being involved in deleting millions of votes for Trump in addition to switching votes to Biden on election night - which indeed did happen. “On Oct 8, 2020, Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amount of $400,000,000 with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified as UBS Securities,” states the investigation, which also notes that another payment of $200,000,000 was received in December 2014. In more simplified definitions, China owned 75% of Dominion Voting Systems. It turned out that Trump and his supporters were telling the truth all along. The document of direct evidence coming from the United State Currency and Exchange Commission revealed this in the Form D Currency Exchange Commission document.

On December 1st, footage captured from witnesses in voting centers in Georgia documented direct evidence of a Dominion worker transferring a USB thumb drive to a tabulation laptop - then stealing the USB thumb drive after. That was clear and present election fraud caught on tape, and the man was caught red handed. This was additional evidence that would likely be used in courts to help pave the way to Trump’s reelection.

Project Veritas was one of the key players in helping expose the election fraud, despite the mainstream media siding with the incorrect narrative that Biden was the rightful President-Elect, when Biden simply wasn’t and not even eligible to be, given his crimes of money laundering, racketeering, child human sex trafficking, child pornography, and helping take part in the stolen election along with his son Hunter Biden. There’s a reason the FBI collected three laptops and made them known to the public for the October Surprise. Veritas released exposes of Michigan Postmaster Generals and whistleblowers who were assisting in ballot counting, and others who were involved in the unprecedented 2020 election scandal. Trump was engaging in the Art of War, letting the enemy make their mistakes, and it would be the very strategy that would ensure a second Trump Administration.

It could also be very likely that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, known members of the Clinton Foundation and Council on Foreign Relations, would find themselves in prison after their crimes of money laundering, racketeering, child human sex trafficking, and taking part in such an openly fraudulent election. This was a military sting operation to drain the swamp, as Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was fired, as well as so many others who were working against the interests of America. It will also be a cleansing operation to expose Republicans who have been taking money from China while refusing to defend the integrity of U.S elections. Of course, the DNC is just as much to blame if not the most. The DNC have for a long time, been threatening and coercing Republicans into bending their will towards radical and dangerous agendas largely for business and political purposes. This will be a full fledged revolution, and a cleansing of the American government. Trump will remain the President, and will be sworn in, as many will be going to prison and will be fired who didn’t see the sting operation incoming for years to come. John Durham will also remain a major player in this operation. As Sidney Powell said in her briefing to the American people in mid November, “This will be Biblical”.

Other than the attempt of stealing an election, this was the summary of November in the battle between the New World Order and Great Reset, versus the Great Awakening and Draining of the Swamp. China was making moves in the South China Sea and attempting to invade and overtake Taiwan. Covid-19 cases continued to “soar” in the United States in the efforts to keep the country locked down, and countries like Australia and Japan were battling the tyrannical orders of Iran, Pakistan, Russia, and China. It was expected that Donald Trump would win the election (although he did on November 3rd), but instead, the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and DNC, helped participate in the most historic and widespread election scandal in American and international history. The Chinese Communist Party declared on November 30th that they had “defeated America”, and gave a statement at a CCP forum discussing the imminent domination of the United States by the year 2027. They made statements that it would be “the Death of America”, and that nothing could stop China’s rise to becoming the nation’s “most powerful global superpower”. China claimed that it would be the end of the American economy, and that China would bring Communism to the halls of American Congress, which sadly, they have been partially successful in as we were able to tell in the month of November. However, China knows they are wrong. The Chinese Communist Party has no idea the strength of the American spirit, and the genius of some amazing generals in the United States military intelligence agencies who were planning this for years.

Trump predicted the election would be stolen from him and that massive voter fraud would occur. He made such statements in the final debate with Joe Biden, and many times before the election had even approached. This will be a fight similar to the fight of 1776. This fight will go to the electors, perhaps to military tribunals, and will certainly decide the future of America, and who America will choose to become - a nation of Freedom, or a nation of tyranny and Communism. The events that will unfold in December, will be a race against time. These events will undoubtedly shock the entire planet, and there will be a Great Awakening when Trump is reelected by the electors. If not… America will be gone forever as we know it, and that is no understatement. There will be military tribunals, arrests, and a cleansing of national security agents who have only been working against the interests of the United States and China. The future of the United States lies in the hearts who bleed Patriotism and Courage while rising above the dangers of threats, harassments, defamation, and bribery. For God and Country, the Republic will be Restored.



Attkisson, Sharyl, and About Sharyl AttkissonEmmy-Award Winning Investigative Journalist. “READ: Michigan Elections Officials File Affidavits Regarding Alleged Election Issues.” Sharyl Attkisson, 19 Nov. 2020,

Boyd, Scott. “Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney Exposes 'Scorecard,' the Democrats' Voter Fraud Superweapon.” NOQ Report - Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes, 4 Nov. 2020,

Smith, A.M. “Anti-Trump Engineer Of Dominion Voting Systems Said ‘I Made Sure Trump's Not Gonna Win’ In Secret Call With Antifa Claims Man Who Infiltrated Group.” EnVolve, 16 Nov. 2020,

Spiering, Charlie. “Highlights of Pennsylvania Republicans' Hearing on Election Irregularities.” Breitbart, 26 Nov. 2020,

Swoyer, Alex. “Trump Thanks Witnesses at Arizona Election Hearing: 'The World Is Watching'.” The Washington Times, The Washington Times, 30 Nov. 2020,

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