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  • Writer's pictureBrendan JSV Ecker

The Biden Laptop October Surprise, Halloween Full Moon, Final Debate, Global Awakening

This month was as you already know, one of the most significant Octobers in United States history. The October Surprise brought striking revelations to the world about Hunter Biden’s illegal money laundering operations after leaving his laptop at a store to be fixed, then forgetting to pick it up weeks later. The laptop contained over 25,000 files incriminating Joe and Hunter Biden of withholding child pornography, sex tapes, audio confessionals, and emails exposing the two of working with the Chinese Communist Party and taking millions from Russia, Uganda, and Ukraine through what was called Burisma in released documents by the Senate and F.B.I. The F.B.I is currently investigating the manner, and the Department of Justice is looking to take immediate action on the subject within the months to approach, likely after the election. Images contained explicit sexual photographs and videos of Hunter Biden with Malia Obama and reportedly underaged women. Mainstream media and social media platforms marked the story as a conspiracy theory and censored pertinent information, all across National television networks, as they do with most bombshells. However, Joe and Hunter Biden‘s lawyers along with Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, have confirmed the emails and evidence to be authentic and of legitimate discovery.

In the weeks that followed, Donald Trump and Joe Biden held their final debate, after conducting two town halls after the first debate.  CSPAN and several polls showed Trump winning the final debate by over 65%, after Joe Biden made shocking statements admitting that he was intent on "transitioning from the oil and gas industry", provided he was elected president. Joe Biden also refused to answer questions which asked him about his son’s business deals with Ukraine and Russia. National television media claimed that Joe Biden had won the final debate, and was winning in the polls by 54%, even though Joe Biden‘s rallies were failing to collect more than 250 people. Biden also made various statements claiming to increase taxes by at least 62% for those who made more than $400,000 a year, but slipped up earlier in saying that taxes would be raised for everybody, as his running mate Kamala Harris also said the same on several occasions prior to the final debates. Trump made promises to save America by the accomplishment of Success, cutting taxes, fighting against the Chinese Communist Party, continuing to defeat ISIS caliphates, while working to build more opportunities for black Americans. In conclusion, the majority of the public saw that Trump was the rightful victor of the debate and seemed to make more realistic and genuine promises.

In the days that drew up to November 3, Washington D.C., was already preparing for attacks by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, which were being planned months before the election, as Trump was projected to win by historic numbers as early as late September. Looting and rioting filled the streets of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as the state was a battleground state for the election to come. The riots were in response to the shooting of 27-year-old Walter Wallace, after charging at two officers and refusing to drop a knife. At least 30 Philadelphia cops were injured by early Tuesday as violent mobs torched squad cars and charged lines of officers in a night of carnage sparked by the police shooting of a knife-wielding man.

Organized protests gathered at a park chanting “Black lives matter” soon after news broke of the 4 p.m. shooting of Walter Wallace. Hundreds of rioters then swamped the streets, leading to at least 33 arrests by the early hours Tuesday on charges including rioting, assault on police officers, looting and possession of firearms, ABC News said.

The carnage was caught in a series of disturbing videos on social media, including a speeding black truck that ran through a line of officers, hitting a 56-year-old female sergeant. She remained hospitalized with a broken leg and other injuries, NBC Philadelphia said. On a brighter note, Trump is holding dozens of rallies across the country, as well as in Pennsylvania. Police were still being attacked and disrespected in several jurisdictions and states run by Democrat governors, as leading administrators were commanding officers to stand down in the face of any kinds of attacks. However, this only lead to record-breaking statistics of police departments endorsing President Donald Trump. Project Veritas, run by independent journalist James O'Keefe, also caught several entities of Google admitting to "feeling suffocated at Google" in their major stances to silence conservative viewpoints, while working to "endorse various Democratic organizations". Project Veritas caught Republicans and Democrats breaking the law in trying to bribe voters to change their vote, while being captured on video admitting to tampering with the natural process of elections by stealing ballots and sending them to deceased and/or non-existent identities in aim to alter the results of the 2020 election.

Because many of Project Veritas' videos have been deleted from YouTube's platform, you can copy and past the following links below to learn more about the ongoing voter suppression and censorship in the United States. These videos can be found on Project Veritas' Instagram or Project Veritas' website. The links below contain more exposes of mail-in ballot election/voter fraud, as well as an additional link exposing a Technical and Mechanical Program Manager for Google admitting to Big Tech censorship and partisan treatment in favor of the Democratic Party.

In October, Eddie Van Halen had passed away, and more Hollywood propaganda was being used to distract and divert the public from revolutionary information being released. Documents pertaining to manifestation and time travel, as well as UFOs, and extraterrestrials, were also becoming more mainstream across alternative research platforms and even YouTube. Interviews with Alex Collier were being made viewable, and documents were being released and declassified by NASA and the Central Intelligence Agency. The Pentagon was establishing teams to release information on discoveries made since 1950, as well as interviews and discussions held with Nikola Tesla, which were largely discredited for many years by the U.S government. Lifted documents and secret papers of Nikola Tesla, which ironically contained data showing that Donald Trump‘s uncle, John G. Trump had worked on, were being released. The Space Force was being identified as not a military operation so to speak, but rather an ongoing organization that works extensively with string theory and time travel operations. Ever wonder where the $27 trillion dollars of American debt has been going to?

Violence across the entire planet was everywhere, but at the same time, for some reason, the entire world seemed to have been experiencing a mass shift in consciousness and Great Awakening. There was an extensive divide, based on social stances on mask-wearing mandates and government lockdowns which felt completely unnecessary by 2/3 of the global population. Soon after Doctors were coming out with new discoveries on the Coronavirus, shortly after Trump had contracted it, then beat it only days later, the several deaths occurring from Bill Gates’ trial vaccines were being exposed, and the authenticity of mainstream science was being questioned. People were beginning to question how dangerous the virus really was, considering that during the month of October alone, FLU cases were down 98% compared to previous years, along with Influenza, and other common illnesses. It was being documented that PCR test cycles were being rigged and giving false positives. The death count that John Hopkins and the C.D.C were displaying, were being inflated with other forms of death aligned with natural causes, cancer, car accidents, gunshots, and severe underlying health conditions. After Trump recovered from the coronavirus within 4 days after his stay at Walter Reed Medical Hospital, people were not afraid of the virus, and people were beginning to wake up to what it actually was about - power and profit. There was a reason Big Tech and the mainstream media were pushing such draconian lockdowns and fraudulent narratives all that later proved to be a Trojan Horse for corporate malfeasance and hospitals that were making $39,000-$300,000 every time they wrote down a patient has Covid. There was a reason they responded so negatively when Trump took off his mask after defeating the Coronavirus and trying to give the world hope that the virus itself doesn't have to dominate people's lives. Trump defeated the hysteria and fear mongering of the media only to be further insulted and made out to be a villain on the news. This was the beginning of people beginning to see the truth and speak the truth, rather then believe everything the mainstream media and big tech were trying to lie to people about in efforts to induce control and power over the common sense of society. In the cultural aspect of current events, the controversial geopolitical syndicate talk-show host, Alex Jones, made his third appearance on "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast discussing some of the events unfolding concerning Hunter Biden, the upcoming election, China, and Bill Gate's vaccination agendas. It was on of his largest podcasts to date, and currently many of the videos and platforms are censoring the episode. Watch the full episode attached below before YouTube takes it down for good.

Perhaps there is a reason there has been so many revelations of the lies in government, coupled by corruption and disinformation. As famously said throughout history, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Surely, there is a Great Awakening happening across every corner of the globe. People are waking up. No longer can globalism or the grasps of communism and social dogma take over the minds of humanity, who deserve to lead lives of Freedom and Independence. Surely, there is an increase in consciousness on this planet in 2020. Certainly, the lies that were made hidden for so many years, are coming to surface for a reason. We have been robbed of truth, robbed of confidence, robbed of facts and reason, so now, perhaps there will be a future built upon Truth and Tranquility. The world will soon understand, and the ones who are still asleep, will awaken. 



Axelrod, T. (2020). Analysis: Some states getting $300K per coronavirus case, New York getting $12K. TheHill. Retrieved 1 November 2020, from

Bombshell: Hunter Biden’s laptop had nude pics of minors, Rudy Giuliani claims. LifeSiteNews. (2020). Retrieved 1 November 2020, from

Feuerherd, B. (2020). DOJ reportedly agrees Hunter Biden emails are not Russian disinformation. New York Post. Retrieved 1 November 2020, from

Fink, J. (2020). Tony Bobulinski, Biden Whistleblower, to Sit for Interview With FBI Over Hunter Biden Business Dealings. MSN. Retrieved 1 November 2020, from

United States Attorneys Stuart and Powell Launch Statewide Election Fraud Task Force. (2020). Retrieved 1 November 2020, from

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