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  • Writer's pictureBrendan JSV Ecker

First Blog: Introduction

Updated: Aug 30, 2020

Hello readers. Thank you for checking out the Brendan Ecker Blog through The Collegiate American. We The People are the masters of our own Universe. When you analyze the data and start talking, using words, you find yourself in an oasis of ideas and mass Influence, all of that without the bondage of differing opinions around you. I assure you, you'll get great insight when you read this blog. It starts with ideas and the intent for doing good. I hope you are doing well, staying safe and practicing common sense, as well as going outside and reaping the many benefits of getting fresh air and the Vitamin E that comes with sunlight.

Before I begin, I want to give you a brief introduction. I am not a political expert, I am not a 4.0 Harvard elite, I am not famous for my opinions, I am not a conspiracy theorist, and I am not a man who claims to know everything. I am simply an everyday Collegiate American giving his insight about the things I am observing as one who studied the depths of politics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and the deep, intricate complexities of the Criminal Justice system, which embody the strength in today's standards of ethics, and moral tolerance for evils that can destroy a nation who has the potential to soar.

I grew up in a small Midwest town in Michigan where it was mostly cornfields, back roads, country music, and bonfires. Football is the main event on Friday night and beer is the after party for most home addresses. In the day time it's working 9-5, barely making ends meet but still knowing how to enjoy life and raise a family. I grew up in a small blue collar town made up of farmers, small business owners, mechanics, PTA moms, and roughnecks. Yet culture is still important to that little town, and it always has been. Everything that happens in the world is essential because we are connected. Every single person is essential. Every place and idea is essential. We follow the trends, we read the books, we endure the daily grind, and we strive for discernment.

I've always had a broad range of knowledge in Criminal Justice, and I am currently a Junior at Olivet College finishing my Bachelor's Degree in that same field. I've gotten to play football and baseball at Olivet, and I plan on pursuing my Master's in Criminal Justice when I accomplish that goal. I'm 21 years old and I am currently writing two books, one of them being a guide to making it through the rigors of college, and one being a political account of President Donald Trump and his 4 years in office. Scripts are always fun to write outside of ride-alongs, internships, autopsies, court proceedings, and police work as those have become my daily routine while I earn my final credits in college. Today's times require people willing to speak for those who deserve to be defended, and words are the means to doing that, as words are the means to meaning. Perhaps it's time for humanity to study our history, and return to our roots of being One Nation Under God who defends the defenseless and honors a Free nation of Jurisprudence based on our Founding Fathers' intentions.

Small town America taught me to be wise and thankful rather than full of riches and still wanting more only to never be satisfied, and today I invite you to be a modern day Paul Revere in speaking your mind about a nation of dirty politics and pandemics. I learned to be a patriot, a scholar, a writer, and a leader because of growing up in a small town who stayed true to its Christian roots and diverse ethics. I've always believed in defending that beautiful document that protects those same God given rights which every man and woman is equally entitled to, which we today call the Deceleration of Independence. In this blog, I will do just that. Enjoy, comment if you please, use your voice, and be proud to be a Collegiate American, whether by status or spirit. Enjoy this magnificent day, and choose to be Free!


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