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  • Writer's pictureBrendan JSV Ecker

Cartoons Have Been Predicting the Future. Are Hollywood & The Elites Time Travelers or Futurists?

Updated: Aug 30, 2020

We've all wondered how The Simpsons, South Park, and Family Guy have managed to pull off predictive programming that turned out to be dead on every time, as if those writers must have been there themselves. Coincidence? Or a conspired calculated effort? Obviously nobody on this blog is making claims of time travel being a valid option, but there's always room to open the discussion for something so fascinating and worth investigating, and yes, I believe the Earth is a sphere when I say time travel seems very possible, considering NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) even agrees.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I like opening the debate because I think everybody would want to know the secrets of Hollywood and what it takes to actually get famous, and see those darker sides of fame and power. People would love to know about the secrets of Hollywood parties, and the truth about sex, money, and drugs. They are the true forms of power if you don't have the cash to self-build your own career in a competitive city of almost 3.8 million people. The truth about Los Angelas is that behind the beauty, television, and social media, you will inevitably run into vipers draped in the camouflage of producers, directors, and executives who try to take you for everything you have. A name for them would be the Hollywood elites, similar to your political elites.

Not every producer is bad, and in fact most producers in L.A are good people who just want to be heard, make a quality living, and be somebody. But I would love for the world to know who writes the checks and who got rich off of selling their soul by lust and unspeakable horrors, and how Hollywood is still full of so many great and talented people, but full of people who are dominated by sex and greed. I was able to see and experience the craziness of West L.A and what goes on in the highest mansions of the Hollywood Hills myself, and it was hard to turn down, but I did because something inside told me the money and fame would be a trap. I've gotten to go to parties with celebrities who made everyone sign NDA's (Non-Disclosure Agreements), and I've seen things that confirm the conspiracies of Satanic rituals at those parties - and that's all I'll say. That was when I suddenly woke up and came back to Michigan. Let's be mature and open minded about such a discussion as I will speak Freely, and you may comment Freely as it your absolute right to do so.

Consider episodes of The Simpsons predicting 9/11, Tom Hanks being quarantined, a global lock down from a virus, Donald Trump coming down the escalator at Trump Tower... what's the connection? Let's be honest. Anyone with an open mind and a collegiate level education knows that time travel is most certainly a real likelihood and probably either undiscovered or already discovered but just hidden. Albert Einstein believed it and wrote about it in his Theories of Relativity when releasing his studies about spacetime and parallel universes, suggesting that light was the fastest form of time, thus denying the "Back to The Future" theories of time travel, but confirming that slowing down time could indeed exist, and that connecting something called a "wormhole" could fold the grid of the universe in half and allow forms of shortcuts to create time breaks. According to Wikipedia's definition of a wormhole, "A wormhole is a speculative structure linking disparate points in spacetime, and is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations. A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime. Wormholes are consistent with the general theory of relativity, but whether wormholes actually exist remains to be seen." This is all for kicks and giggles of course, but let's consider that our Hollywood producers did have the money to do whatever they want including setting up hedge funds and lobbyist companies. Let's consider that the IRS has people who have control over it and that those people have control hold all the cards. They would be able to rule the world, do anything at any time, and hold the key to the universe, even if one of those secrets was time travel or the secrets of SC4 in Area 51.

According to the writers of The Simpsons, Al Jean and Stephanie Gillis, they were futurists, or those like we the collegiate Americans who study and analyze those intriguing futurist agendas envisioned by the infamous Eugenicists like Jeffry Epstein and Bill Gates. Mapped out by men like Henry Kissinger, JP Morgan, and David Rockefeller. They studied what was being planned for years upon years and its part of why the show is still airing 31 years later. Imagine that. Hollywood writers and producers read what you read and they watch what you watch. What a small world. Al Jean commented when asked about the manner, "If you make enough predictions then 10% will turn out to be right," Al suggests. "We are sort of futurologists in that we write 10 months ahead, so we're trying to guess what is going to happen," adds Stephanie. Are those fascinating Hollywood writers timer travelers or just curious writers? They were sometimes years ahead of the game with their predictions. Perhaps those same writers are not time travelers, but just readers of history and futuristic literature.

Perhaps we should return to our books and read what was written by those like Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Nikola Tesla, or Nostradamus. Perhaps those brilliant writers who make such relatable shows like South Park and Family Guy attract to the eye, are people who have already seen the future. Maybe they are time travelers? I for one believe anything could be possible, when I consider the patents of the Chronovisor. The Chronovisor was used in Project Pegasus which was a defense project carried out by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA. The mission statement was, “A defense-related research and development program under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in which the US defense-technical community achieved time travel on behalf of the US government – the real Philadelphia Experiment.

With Los Angelas, New York City, and Washington D.C being the home of greed and the height of lust for power, I'm willing to bet Beyonce and Jay-Z know something about it all. They display subliminal messaging in music videos and they were connected to Kobe Bryant's death, among many other famous people's deaths through shady business deals and venture capitalist funds, mostly in efforts to promote projects involved with artificial intelligence and promoting athletes and the music industry for financial gain. Politicians and powerful leaders have strong ties to Hollywood. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Senator Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Adam Schiff, Jeffry Epstein, and even Donald Trump. They all have ties to powerful screenwriters, producers, directors, and executives like Harvey Weinstein. It's the only way to ever find yourself on TV, its the only way to get endorsements, partnerships, acting jobs, you name it. You have to make connections with those whose reputations are big if you want to be big. You have to survive one of those central cities of money, greed, lust, and fame while still remaining who you are, never selling your soul for contracts and millions of dollars. I assume the most powerful people in Hollywood know a lot about those kinds of experiments, so perhaps our favorite comedic writers are time travelers, or perhaps they are simply readers of the future. Perhaps they are ordinary just like you and I and curious of the future so much, that their imagination can manifest into reality by simply their thoughts and wonders, coupled by their skills of writing and producing.

Project Pegasus showed that Father Ernetti managed to witness the Crucifixion of Jesus, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and other major historical events such as the founding of Rome in 753 B.C. Also, thanks to the Chronovisor, Father Ernetti was able to recompose the missing work “Thyestes” , written by Ennio Quinto and represented in Rome in 169 A.C. in its original version,  and the original text of the the two stone tablets written by God (Exodus 24:12) which were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, apart from witnessing the likes of Napoleon, Roman philosopher Cicero and other great and momentous historical and biblical episodes. Who are we to say that all of those things can't be true if we were not there. Who are we to deny the considerations of time travel being possible when there are leaked photographs of the pope using the Chronovisor. There are patents and designs you can Google and find for yourself. It only makes sense that we should keep an open mind to the unknown if there is viable evidence to back it up.

South Park and Family Guy are bizarre but weirdly accurate cartoons with sometimes foul story lines, and they push the limits against censorship and exercise their right to speak in ways other networks should take note on. South Park and Family Guy have always had a competitive relationship being the two longest shows on the air and the writers of both shows can't stand one another. The Simpsons hold the crown above both programs for its life of 31 years. South Park had a way of explaining how the world works in bizarre ways of often grotesque but effective story lines, but so many episodes made sense of the conspiracies that were famously rejected by so many. They would take a narrative and push it to the most literal and real life perspective which made it great, and what the writers did best was defy censorship and it should be praised for that. South Park had a way of making the audience think about what's going on in current events despite its bashing of celebrities and controversial subjects.

Family Guy was one and the same, making fun of celebrities and spinning episodes off of what's going on in the world. Family Guy pushes the same level of controversial archetypes and controversial episodes that give great perspective. You can find subliminal messaging of "The Illuminati" everywhere throughout certain episodes, whether Seth McFarland wrote it in for ratings or trying to enlighten the world. Family Guy wrote an episode about multiverse travel and parallel universes, and it was actually a great episode because it opened the minds of the audience to Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity and how he believed we could very well be in one of billions and trillions of universes.

Today's adult cartoons are full of random but comical ways of explaining real life and they're spectacular forms reflection on the culture when writers aren't deterred and told what to write out of corporate control. That happens far too often and it ruins American television, and especially American comedy. It's a form of censorship to not be able to express ideas freely without network tycoon heads practically writing scripts for you, usually out of political or financial motivations. Screenwriting and Hollywood television needs to return back to a classy town, writing scripts about adversity, falling in love, and the American Dream. Movies like Stand by Me, The Shawshank Redemption, Rocky, Jerry Maguire, Forrest Gump, The Pursuit of Happyness, Lone Survivor - those are the movies people miss. People don't want to see Saturday Night Live dumping milk on their heads and bashing on President Trump every week. It makes it obvious that George Soros and those network financiers would be controlling that kind of stupidity to insult American entertainment in their efforts to taint the image of the United States.

Hollywood needs to be honest and inspirational again. Hollywood needs to rebuild itself and write about what people love which is embracing life, finding romance, fighting through times of adversity, making history, establishing unity, and demonstrating passion. For years now, American entertainment has been on a downhill slide because China has overtaken 6/8 production companies, and they've done nothing but promote sinister story lines and insult America through our own platforms like Netflix, using it as forms of propaganda to influence the upcoming election. Yet still, Family Guy's writer Seth McFarland manages to do most of the voice overs himself. South Park has been airing since 1997 and Family Guy since 1999. The Simpsons have been on since December 17th, 1989.

Today China owns many of the Hollywood production companies, and Comedy Central is one of them. Dan Sterling and other writers like David A. Goodman, have played large roles in forming hit cartoons like King of the Hill, Family Guy, or Futurama. You can see a connection with Hollywood writers and where there sense for the future comes from. They are futurists like us and they study the plans that the most powerful have written about in their autobiographies for years. For all we know some could have really traveled through time when considering the power of money and status. People are just now waking up to this knowledge, and one day we are soon going to know exactly how The Simpsons have always been so spot on. Imagine what they could have predicted this past week.


Photos of Project Pegasus & the Vatican's Experiences of Time Travel

Patent of the Chronovisor used by the Vatican to witness the Crucifixion of Jesus in DARPA's "Project Pegasus", a national defense project for the research purposes of time travel.

Father Ernetti using Chronovisor. He managed to witness the Crucifixion of Jesus, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and other major historical events such as the founding of Rome in 753 B.C.

News article about Project Pegasus titled "Invented the camera that photographs the past" in Italian. The article goes in depths about Father Ernetti photographing Jesus with Chronovisor.

Photo of Jesus during his last 2 weeks on Earth. Allegedly taken by Father Ernetti using the Chronovisor.


Close Relationships of Hollywood Producers, Politicians, & Billionaire Elites

Harvey Weinstein placing his hand on Chelsea Clinton's shoulder at fundraiser for Barack Obama. Bill Clinton is sitting on the left.

Former President Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey speak during the 25th Anniversary Rainforest Fund Benefit Concert at Carnegie Hall, April 17, 2014, in New York City.


Billionaire sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein and Former President Bill Clinton smiling in a picture together.

Harvey Weinstein and Hillary Clinton photographed together at a fundraiser.

Jeffry Epstein and Harvey Weinstein posing together at Princess Beatrice's 18th birthday.

Harvey Weinstein seen in 2006 photo with former President Barack Obama, late Senator Frank Lautenberg, and Senator Chuck Schumer. They held a fundraiser for President Obama in 2012.


Predictive Programming & Subliminal Messaging in Cartoons

The Simpsons predicting 9/11 on the episode "New York vs Homer Simpson", 4 years before the Twin Towers were attacked.

The Simpsons showing subliminal messaging of the Illuminati and Bilderberg Group symbols.

Family Guy shows The Illuminati "eye of providence" and Richard Dawkins' book "The God Delusion" in the background.

Beyonce displaying an Illuminati gesture during one of her performances. Music videos contain subliminal messages as well.


So what do you guys think of Hollywood cartoons and their shockingly accurate history of predictive programming? Do you believe the Illuminati is a real organization of financially dominate elites? Predictive programming has existed a long time, since the Loony Tunes programs used it in World War II. Is time travel something that should be further looked into as to its existence and relativity to humanity? Is humanity simply not reading the futurist reports and our history books? How do we join those who see themselves as overlords and invincible? What do you think about the controversial subjects of time travel, predictive programming, and The Illuminati? Comment below and as always to each Collegiate American mind, God Bless.


Citations & References

Schwarz, Rob, et al. “The Time Travel and Teleportation Experiments of Project Pegasus.”Stranger Dimensions, 13 Feb. 2020,

“The Trojan Horse Project-Time Travel Perfected in 1973, Page 1.”, 14 May 2005,

Garvan, Sinead. “The Simpsons: How the Show's Writers Predict the Future.”BBC News, BBC, 19 July 2019,

Nisan, and Isim. ҂izgi Filmler Ve Diziler Subliminal Mesajlarla Dolu.ӂizgi Filmler Ve Diziler Subliminal Mesajlarla Dolu РHaberegider Blog,

Everett, Matthew, et al. “Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and 9/11: A Scandal Beyond What Has Been.”911Truth.Org, 13 Jan. 2020,

Keneally, Meghan. “Harvey Weinstein and Meryl Streep Are Making a Movie That Will Make NRA 'Wish They Weren't Alive'.”Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 16 Jan. 2014,

Murphy, Neil, and Tiffany Lo. “Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein Pictured at Beatrice's 18th Birthday.”Mirror, 9 Dec. 2019,

“The Vatican's Chronovisor - Top Secret Time Travel Project (Video).”True Blog, 11 Jan. 2020,

-, Sgt, et al. “Isn't It Obvious? Jeffrey Epstein Was Murdered Because Dead Men Don't Talk (about the Clintons).”SGT Report, 11 Aug. 2019,


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