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  • Writer's pictureBrendan JSV Ecker

August & Anarchy. Trump, Brain Machine Interfacing, Deep State, More Riots, South China Sea, WWIII

August, 2020. Just in one month a lot has happened as the intensity builds up to the likely reelection of President Donald Trump. President Trump’s brother Robert Trump died at 71, the Chinese fired a missile near the U.S fleet conducting free navigation exercises in the South China Sea, Jeff Bezos reached a $200 billion net worth, Elon Musk gave an expo on the Neuralink brain-interfacing chip using pigs as samples, and the Marxist Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters attacked Senator Rand Paul, while the RNC nominated Trump for a 2nd term. Trump recently gave a historic speech for his nomination at The White House, speaking on issues of the upcoming election and the State of the Union, as rallies are being cancelled due to COVID-19. The President took advantage and made use of the stage, as he concluded with fireworks and Opera music that overpowered the naysaying voices of the mainstream media. It was majestic. This will be a reelection unforgettable.

Elon Musk made remarks that we will soon be able to store and replay memories with his newest nanotechnology chips, buy the chip at the price of a cell phone, and assist a man to walk again after a lifetime in a wheelchair. He explained how the nanochips can already help cure depression, anxiety, strokes, brain damage, epilepsy, PTSD, and other Neurological disorders and beyond. The questions is, will Elon Musk get one of his own brain chips? Could he already have one? The things we don’t know.

Senator Rand Paul, one of the primary reasons the First Step Act and Brianna Taylor laws to aid in racial justice were written, was recently accosted by violent Black Lives Matter demonstrators after leaving the last night of the RNC convention. Secret Service and local bike police aided Rand Paul and his wife to their vehicles.

The U.S military conducted free navigation exercises in the South China Sea as a message to the Chinese Communist Party that the Indo-Pacific was binded by international maritime water rights. China sent warning missiles near U.S aircraft carriers. One DF-26 missile was fired from Northwest China's Qinghai Province while a DF-21D missile came from East China's Zhejiang Province. India, Japan, Australia, Vietnam, Russia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, North and South Korea, are waiting for moment to strike against Chinese fleets. The United States has been succeeding in making the Indo-pacific region free for multinational commute. China has been building artificial islands for trade, natural resources, fishing banks, and rare Earth elements. U.S fleets are leading the Indo-Pacific region back into free maritime travel. China will not succeed in the unlawful domination of the South China Sea, and with Trump cutting Chinese companies out of U.S economic involvement, China is a sitting duck who will soon not be able to work with Pakistan, Iran, and the United Kingdom for long. America is leading the fight to Freedom worldwide.

Joe Biden recently chose Kamala Harris as his running mate before one of the most awkward DNC conventions in years, as patriots drove in caravans of vehicles to defend the streets of Portland. As Thomas Jefferson once said, “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is Liberty.” The Trump caravan in Portland, Oregon came after the weeks of riots and the execution of a man who was wearing a police lives matter flag on his leg. The man who is still being concealed, was killed for wearing a thin blue line patch on his shorts, signaling his support for law enforcement. He also had a hat with a logo for Patriot Prayer, a group that has been leading counterprotests in Portland. Police did not release any information on a possible gunman or whether the incident was related to the protests as of early Sunday morning. Earlier in the day on Saturday, videos posted to social media showed pro-Trump demonstrators had been throwing stuff out of their cars at the anti-Trump demonstrators and shooting them with paintball guns. The caravan was to honor the lives lost in Portland, and to honor the police who have been wrongfully treated by Portland’s corrupt mayor, Ted Wheeler.

This was after the events unfolded of Jacob Blake being shot seven times by a Kenosha officer, after Jacob Blake was attempting to reach for a weapon from his floorboard while resisting arrest. Blake was already convicted previous to the event after being convicted previously for sexual assault in the first degree, and had a long history of crime, yet the media fails to focus on this. Instead they continue to blame the police. Police are trained to shoot if a perp is resisting arrest and going for the inside of their vehicle. This led to the event of Kyle Rittenhouse later shooting radical left-wing demonstrators who were armed, and damaging property in the area.

Kyle Rittenhouse shot three violent Black Lives Matter demonstrators, killing two and injuring another with a blow to the right arm, after Rittenhouse was attacked by them after attempting to defend a mechanics shop and give first aid to protestors in an area that had little to no police enforcement or protection for non-violent residents. Rittenhouse shot one attacker in the head, while another was shot in the chest. The third party who was injured and shot in the arm, Gaige Grosskreutz, was identified as the third person who was shot by Kyle Rittenhouse, as he protested against the police-involved shooting of Jacob Blake. Grosskreutz had a gun in his hand when he ran up to Rittenhouse, so in self-defense, the 17-year-old discharged his weapon and blew off part of Grosskreutz’s arm to save his own life. Gaige Grosskreutz later gave a statement after a surgery. A friend of Gaige’s said that Gaige’s only regret was not being able to kill 17-year-old Rittenhouse. His friend quoted, “So the kid shot Gaige as he drew his weapon and Gaige retreated with his gun in hand. I just talked to Gaige Grosskreutz too. His only regret was not killing the kid and hesitating to pull the gun before emptying the entire mag into him. Coward,” a friend of Grosskreutz wrote in a chat. According to the Chicago Sun Times, the extremist 26-year-old will need arm surgery as a result of his injuries from Rittenhouse after an act of self-defense.

Police continued to be attacked by the mainstream media and violent BLM protestors, the COVID-19 numbers were being exposed and the virus was being proven to be a political plot to shutdown the country (as the danger of the virus became clearly not as dangerous as the news was reporting), and Michael Moore even commented that Trump’s voters had enthusiasm that was “through the roof” as a landslide was looking more and more likely by the day.

College has begun for most kids returning to school and they are now required to wear a mask on campus, get their temperature checked three times a day, and submit to the government contact tracing apps along with the lie of America being systematically racist. Albion College in Michigan and many other universities, are now requiring students to stay on campus, threatening to suspend or expel them if they refuse to comply. This is now a civil war of logic versus folly, and bravery versus fear. Half the students in America feel that police departments need to be defunded, while half suggest that police need to be defended. Albion is planning to offer in-person learning only, and students who refuse to comply with the contact-tracing program, will be forced to defer for a semester or a full school year. Coronavirus is being required upon arrival to campus. It's unclear how many follow-up tests the university will mandate throughout the 14-week semester, but the results be stored on Albion's tracking app. Returning students are forced to sign a form authorizing the disclosure of their test results to the county, state, or "any other governmental entity as may be required by law"—though the school told the Free Beacon that state and county officials are not collecting information from the app. In addition to downloading the app, students must undergo a mandatory three-day quarantine after they move back to campus. They will be given a list of "approved businesses" to frequent, and must fill out an online form five days in advance if they plan to leave for "approved" activities, such as medical appointments, religious obligations, and "significant family obligations."

We are all so distracted from the real enemies who are not ourselves, but those in high places of power like George Soros, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, or the Rothschilds. The news never talks about the secret society who is funding the entire global New World Order. Understand what is going on around you. You are in a state of war. You are in a state of tyranny. It is not Trump or the Republican Party who is doing this. This is the radical left who is working with the corrupt United Nations, World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute of Health, National Institute of Allergy Infectious Diseases, and the Chinese Communist Party. The world is being convinced to kill themselves off by race wars, defunding the police, lying about the severity of the COVID-19 virus, and their own government.

You are in war against the globalist elites who control your everyday routines and every nonsensical narrative promoted by the mainstream media - who is lying to you for the agendas of profit and power, just like so many liberal-arts colleges across the United States and the entire planet. If the world doesn’t soon wake up and identify the real enemies controlling this world war, the world will crumble and find themselves enslaved with no chance of leading lives of Freedom. The enemies are George Soros, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Dr. Fauci, Henry Kissinger, the Obama Administration, John Brennan, Clapper, and the deep intelligence agencies who are selling out America to China, the most communist nation on planet Earth. The Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, the London Lodge, the Skull and Bones Society, the Freemasons - these are the enemies working against you. If you do not believe me, listen to the truth about the Illuminati, which is a network of the organizations I have mentioned. This is the real truth. This is the true state of your enemy. We should not be fighting each other. We should be fighting the organizations mentioned in this video. Know what is happening around you. See and awaken.



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