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  • Writer's pictureBrendan JSV Ecker

Trump's CPAC Speech, Acquitted AGAIN, Biden’s Downfall, Operation Broken Hearts, Alamo, R.I.P Rush

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

In February’s analysis of current events regarding the Dragster of today’s geopolitics, we find ourselves in the Wild Wild West, here in 2021. Let's begin.

Trump gave a historic speech at CPAC countering China’s attack on American sovereignty, Rush Limbaugh passed away at 70 years old, Trump was acquitted after a second sham Impeachment trial, Supreme Court Justice Thomas dissented to the failure of investigating election fraud, the mainstream media has begun to question their loyalty to Joe Biden, common sense gun laws under State Department Memorandum 7277 have taken hold of the conversation in the United States, ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) played a role in attacking Texas power grids, Project Veritas exposed Mark Zuckerberg admitting to the COVID-19 vaccine being a DNA and RNA altering mutagen, and Governor Andrew Cuomo and Gretchen Whitmer are now being investigated for sending COVID patients into nursing homes with the elderly. Yes, it’s been an event-filled month, and it’s only the beginning. However, the stakes have never been higher and the world has never been more awake.

‘Operation Broken Heart’ was executed by Phoenix Police Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Attorney General’s Office. 37 arrests occurred capturing child human sex trafficking criminals, and more lives of innocent children were saved again in the operation to combat the $32 billion enterprise that pays more money than a drug smuggler in the Cartel. The following details explain the operation in its entirety.

Biden has begun to send troops back into the Middle East as gas prices on U.S soil have soared to nearly $3.00 in some states. Experts are saying those prices could increase to $4-$6 per gallon in just one year. It’s becoming clear to many, that there is a repeat of the Obama Administration and the preemptive actions culminating into another recession, as Wall Street manipulates the stock market and attempts to crash the U.S dollar. It’s not unlikely that Bitcoin and Dogecoin will make a massive step forward transitioning into a universal currency, as a large mass of people will also soon be reverting back to the gold standard.

Dr. Fauci is continuing to push forward the narrative that COVID-19 is so dangerous that it requires multiple vaccines and double masking, and yet, even with those protective measures being taken, you still would be unsafe in attending family gatherings, movie theaters, schools, and restaurants. People are beginning to realize they’ve been lied to as thousands are dying or experiencing severely dangerous side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine. The cure has undoubtedly become more dangerous than the virus.

People are realizing that hospitals are getting financial incentives for every patient they write down as COVID. Reporters at the White House are calling Joe Biden out on not wearing a mask everywhere he goes, and Biden’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, is even coming up empty-worded when addressed with questions from the media, as she results to “circling back to that”, and never doing so by the end of the interview.

In conclusion, this is the time of a World War. It will only be the beginning of psychological manipulation, propaganda, attacks and countermeasures against each side, and domination of information flow. This is the foundation of any war. We are living in a fourth World War, if one considers the Cold War, which was recognized as WWIII. So what is the solution and how do you win a war so big? What is going to happen next? It is simple. There will be arrests, investigations, declassifications, sting operations, smear campaigns, kinetic actions on foreign and domestic grounds, and a long battle to gain control of the minds of the masses. The solution is to speak the truth and use it as a nuclear arsenal to snuff the flames of corruption and greed. Taking action, seeking the truth, and speaking the truth, will ultimately lead to a world where Freedom is recaptured and reclaimed. It will be many years of confrontation and confusion, misinformation and data configuration, quarrel for the possession of quantum supremacy, and absolute power over the future of the human race. God is on our side. We are winning. With faith and resilience, a Revolution will occur across every corner of the globe, and The Great Awakening will be louder than the hums of Angels, and brighter than the Sun. Until next month, stay classy, stay safe, and stay Free.

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