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  • Writer's pictureBrendan JSV Ecker

2020 and the Test of Wisdom Versus Folly: Globalism Falling & Freedom Rising

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

2020 is a test. Life is a test. 2020 is a test of wisdom. A test of common sense vs folly, and how the world handled a crisis when divided and segregated onto the brink of a hot civil war and a third world war. Life is a long and brutal test of faith, vulnerability, weakness, strength, power, freedom, rigor, endurance, temptations, trauma, triumph, tranquility, and fearful scenarios all compiled into one existence. How do you handle those scenarios? Could you survive day one of the Hunger Games? How do you act when your back is up against the wall, when life gets tough, when your mind becomes tested by struggle and fearful situations full of tragedy and heartbreak? How did you act when the world went in lock down and forced you into emergency mode? How did you respond when your bank account was empty, when you couldn’t go to work to make a paycheck but owed a house payment, when Hollywood was shaming anyone who didn’t wear a mask? Were you wearing a mask or being called a danger to society because you chose to not buy into the media hysteria? Were you a protester, or a believer in the corporate news who told the world to stay inside supposedly because the virus was more dangerous than any before (even though it was an organized criminal operation to profit from the vaccine and pharmaceutical companies, and no worse than the common FLU).

With human contact and adapting to the virus itself without wearing masks or gloves, and going into sunlight, the human being’s immune system naturally becomes immune to the virus as an entire population. This was even supported by Dr. Daniel W. Erickson and Dr. Artin Massih, both emergency care physicians of 40 plus years hands-on experience in the medical field, both who own Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California. They were of course censored and discredited despite their long careers because why? They were honest and addressed major concerns about disgraced Governor Gavin Newsom of California and the holes in keeping the nation closed for a virus. They exposed what was beginning to manifest into a draconian philosophy which became common normality, as Governor Gavin Newsom closed down beaches and agreed with former President Bill Clinton to implement “contact tracing” strategies during an interview on Bill Clinton’s Podcast, while holding the state of California hostage. They discussed hiring people to essentially spy on anyone who previously contracted the COVID-19 virus. You begin to read, learn, become wise, willing to listen, willing to lead. Eventually you rise to the occasion and succeed like a hungry lion chasing down a gazelle so that his pride can survive. We are in those times of testing and overview of ourselves as Collegiate Americans today. We are in a time of great awakening.

It’s May 2nd, 2020. Life is good and I’m just doing my daily research, working on the book, the blog, and a buzz if we’re being honest. I’m writing in good faith that I will be hired with a Bachelor's degree within a year’s time, and will be able to fully gain reach with the - blog but anything can happen. Websites require cash flow, and with college and my internship coming up, I have no way of making my voice heard as Facebook and Twitter have already shadow-banned me, and as the world continues to be silenced by Big Tech and the corporate elites unless your words match the blueprints of Agenda 30. Bill Gates recently defined his intentions for forcing global inoculation (vaccinations) for anyone who intends to go to baseball games, social events, school, or work. I’ve been strategically planning where I’ll place each penny when I make my first official career paycheck so I can escape the coming decade of World War III and the battle of Eugenics and/or medical tyranny, outside of learning the ins-and-outs of the Criminal Justice System. I get to see the best and worst parts of America’s homeland security and crime prevention measures, and where America seems to be heading. From my perspective and according to CBS's news interview with Bill Gates, and according to Bill Gates' TED Talk 3 years ago, America will be fighting a war against the technocratic elites who have overtaken China and many third world nations for years, all by vaccinations, reproductive healthcare laws, misinformation, unjust legislation, crisis investing, and funding organizations like the United Nations, World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and the National Institute of Health who have perpetuated in the mass genocide of hundreds of millions now. Bill Gates is the modern day Adolf Hitler and he must be stopped immediately, among many other smaller international biology foundations who collapse society for the benefit of the vaccine and pharmaceutical companies.

The problem is that everybody thinks they know everything because they look at their Snapchat news (all lies). The world is about to be greatly depopulated soon because they will accept Bill Gates’ suicide vaccine and do what the corporate dominated news said to do. I will not be cooperating, nor will I be complying with any such system. I'm willing to bet that Bill Gates would never take his own vaccine. The planet needs to wake up. There are a lot of smart people who are about to die a tragic death due to their negligence to resist tyrannical governors like Andrew Cuomo or Gretchen Whitmer, and their gradual pushes for civil domination. Friends and family may call me crazy and stupid for what I already know and for what Bill Gates even predicts is going to happen. I’m so often called stupid, insane, dumb, an idiot, and here nobody is aware and they don’t see what I have seen, the facts, the court records, lawsuits, names, policies, financial statements, videos, photos, quotes... I am 100% right and nobody listens to a word I say because they think I am only giving my opinion. They call my words those of opinions when I show them facts and indisputable evidence that the Supreme Court would use themselves. Why has society become so dumb and blinded by propaganda and bias slander of character? To be straight forward and direct, I’m fascinated by everyone on social media and I don’t say that out of arrogance, but rather because I see so much squandered potential and lack of understanding of how the world works. Today we are living in a world of total folly and Marxist theoretical delusion. Again, I certainly don’t claim by any means to know everything and I’ve always been an average student, but today there is a failure to address the obvious differences between fact versus opinion or fiction. 2+2 = 4, but today society and a greatly manipulated public believe everything they hear on the news. Today the world believes 2+2 = 8 figuratively speaking, meaning that the world today lacks common sense to extravagant volumes, much to the point of stupidity and massively inaccurate information. I can’t wait to build a monumental and completely independent future for my children who await in the following years to come. It sounds far better than submitting to a tyrannical system that ironically relates to The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, when Plankton used plan Z to implement mind control over Bikini Bottom. Today humanity submits similarly to those globalist elites like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, who control the planet by television, academia, social media, social perception, information control, and artificial intelligence. Attached is a short clip of what 2o2o looks like today, before the world was on the brink of Defcon 5 and a hot civil war. We The People, are more like Plankton's minions, when considering our submission to tyrannical leaders who only seek power.

Plankton is in many ways similar to those billionaire elites and it was never more true than in 2020. From the Russian election-meddling Hoax, to the Quid-Pro-Quo hoax, to the Coronavirus media hoax, to May of 2020, President Donald John Trump was an ongoing victim of Operation Crossfire Hurricane, an orchestrated smear operation to discredit Trump with lies and remove him from office, appearing as a fair investigation into Trump's ties to Russia which soon became a cover-up for something much worse. Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz found that the coup attempt went all the way up the oversight of the FISA report, the highest levels of the Department of Justice, and was funded by the DNC and Fusion GPS to rather get Trump impeached by disobeying the boundaries of the U.S Criminal Justice system and Constitution. Conspiracy theory or calculated effort? This was all made known in the impeachment trials, even though Trump committed no impeachable offenses to even bring him that far into impeachment to begin with. Nancy Pelosi did impeach Trump, but he was soon after acquitted in the Senate. Let's just say this, if it had been the Democrats who held majority in the Senate, Trump more than likely would have been impeached just because Trump was a disrupter to a globalist one world system of government being prepared by Bill and Hillary Clinton, George H. Bush, George W. Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama.

Why do you think you witnessed the massive chaos you did from 2016-2020? The exculpatory evidence exonerated the president and Christian lawyers like Jay Sekulow made that case. Sekulow politically obliterated Adam Schiff, Democratic Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, alongside the DNC who lied and used subpoenas to make up fake transcripts and tap into phone calls under obtaining evidence under the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree, while ultimately collecting zero evidence to convict Trump for his fake counts of impeachable offenses (obstructing congress, abusing power, and holding back aid for Ukraine) . Joe Biden, Vice President for Obama, even admitted to the corrupt intent of the Obama Administration when talking to the Council of Foreign Relations about his son Hunter Biden receiving 1.5 billion dollars for firing an innocent prosecutor. The investigation was political suicide for Joe Biden and Barack Obama, and it was the first card to fall from the House of Cards after Jeffry Epstein was exposed for child human sex trafficking. This became the beginning of the end for globalism, and the rise of Freedom for all the planet. Jay Sekulow's testimony exonerated Trump, and this was the first step in defeating the corrupt corporate elites and rogue Democratic Party who worked alongside communist China all throughout Trump's presidency.

I can only say this. The world is about to suffer badly from a lack of knowledge, gratitude, discernment, and prosperity if we continue to kill a good thing and waste opportunities of national success. Trump has already made America great again, so I think we should give credit where it’s due. Trump has redefined the meaning of “the Power of the Executive”, and what it means to be the president of the United States who should never allow congress and secret societies to influence their leadership and decision making, like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Bush did during their time in office. Here we call President Trump a racist, a rapist, an idiot, a bigot, a bully, a mafia head, a corrupt leader, but yet throughout Trump’s presidential actions he has proven to be none of those things, but rather a wrongfully accused president who brought light and true talent to the American timeline whether the people can deny it or not - and actions speak louder than words. There were few comparisons to Trump’s many broken records even confirmed by the U.S government’s most trusted departments - even in spite of America’s most glorious presidents like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, J.F.K, or Ronald Reagan. Barack Obama was a smooth talker, but Barack Obama was a fantastical liar and will forever be remembered as the president who tried to sell out the United States to China. Obama was the reason America found itself in a civil war because of his highly divisive and treasonous policies. The reason nearly 65 million babies were aborted and killed from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who used vaccines to both profit and persist in depopulation agendas. Those same policies gave China a head start to global tyranny, mass genocide from vaccinations, 5G tower installation, invasions, infiltration, false flags, viral outbreaks, intellectual property theft, propaganda and misinformation campaigns, and the long feared social credit score. Trump is America’s last chance for real Independence as a nation, and we ought to allow a good thing to not be crushed by selfish globalists who only care about power. We The People ought not kill a good thing.

Concluding Summary

I can hardly wait to make enough money and vanish like the blink of an eye, so nobody can ever interfere with my Freedoms of which I hold dear to my heart like a locket of a soldier’s bride. Yet much of me still wants to defend my home state of Michigan. I sit in silence in my study, pondering and scheming how difficult it is to help people and inform them, not to just give your opinions like they say, but to actually educate them on the difference between fact from fiction. It’s a task that requires experience and knowledge, coupled by wisdom, compassion, and a wide open mind to all perspectives - and this still requiring such magnificent focus and patience with an ear that listens and eyes that see. It’s a task that I never understood so challenging until I learned about politics and human nature from a philosophical and spiritual standpoint. It became clear that in order to be a leader, and in order to be the one who wipes the tears of the world, you must cry the same tears of the world and truly feel what they have felt so you know what they need. You must experience what they have experienced mentally and throughout all trials of difficulty, so that you can adapt and endure to change, then overcome and relate to their minds of both good or bad intent and provide guidance and clarity. This is the key to a future where you are not bonded by the grasps of those who work you to the point of anxiety and total stress, essentially crushing your motivation to wake up on Monday morning. This is the key to truly being Wild and Free beyond the most brilliant stars.

One day the world will know they were fooled by the media's narratives, and it will be too late.The world needs to open their Bible’s and stop worshiping themselves. People are too easy to manipulate and hurt. We need wisdom again. The Bible is the only historical and scientific document proven to be true and backed at nearly every research study. So simple. It’s always been so simple. Believe in God and you will soar like an Eagle. Study for an exam and you will pass a test. Do 100 push-ups and you will only get stronger. The riches are with those who have a soul close to God and full of confidence and good spirit. The perfect and most beautiful mystery that only Faith and Knowledge can unlock for any if they want to truly win and succeed in life. I wish every human knew those secrets to life. They would become angelic, and literally better than they ever were before. Human Potential is being destroyed by our own laziness and lack of spirit, bravery, and determination. I seek Greatness for everyone and I know so many will never know what it's like to experience it. I swear on my life and my grave that I am no fool. One day Collegiate Americans will rise to the occasion of bringing back a nation who believes in its Constitution and forever lasting Deceleration of Independence.



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